lunes, 18 de febrero de 2019

The color of silence . . .

. . . The color of silence . . . introducción. ♦· * tolero los ojos del otro sobre mi rostro cuando quiero llorar. . . ·♦ . . . . . . . . . Música Destacada: ♦·Broken Barricades·♦.♪. . . ♦·Barricadas Rotas!·♦.♪. . . Written by: Gary Brooker.♪...(music) & Keith Reid.♪...(lyrics) YouTube/uploader: GoinToSleepBIATCH Published: September 5, 2OO9.♪... by... ...♦·Procol Harum·♦.♪. . . ·a British rock/band·.♪... ·progressive/rock!·.♪... ·psychedelic/rock!·.♪... ·baroque/rock!·.♪... from the album: ♦·Broken Barricades·♦.♪... Chrysalis Records.♪ released: in London, England, 1971.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... The color of silence . . . ♦· ___"El silencio infinito te lo irá diciendo todo, todo, Todo!", -me decía mi madre, en casa; y yo, me Quedaba pensando . . .- ·♦ . . . . . . . . . Supongo Que sí! ... ...cuando contemplo el campo de refugiados sirios; cuando veo seres desesperados, rescatados de las aguas del Mediterráneo...; cuando observo el campo de batalla en Waterloo... (lo Que Quedó) •solo tulipanes rojos•; cuando miro las playas de Normandía, Que fueron testigo de la sangre derramada...; cuando me detengo a contemplar y reflexionar en los edificios de la ESMA (ex-Escuela. . . de Mecánica de la Armada), Hoy, transformado en ♦Museo de la Memoria♦, donde se torturaba y asesinaba a seres humanos...; Allí, me detengo a pensar . . . y pienso..., en la Quietud del Parque Lezama...; en el silencio de la sastrería. . ., en la calle Tacuarí...; en la Plaza de Mayo..., después del bombardeo del '55 . . .; en el último día Que tocó Jimi, Jimi Hendrix, en Woodstock, en el '69...; en el día en Que Murió Gardel . . .; Buenos Aires se tiñó de luto, y la calle Jean Jaures, Quedó en penumbras...; pienso..., en Jim Morrison cuando retornaba al backstage...; en Brian Jones, cuando fue descubierto ahogado en el fondo de su piscina, en Inglaterra...; pienso..., en el color de los días pasados...; en el color del presente!; y de los días por venir . . . Como ves, Creo, Que el silencio te lo irá diciendo todo. posdata: y no todos los pájaros, cantan hasta MORIR! ·♦ el Beat.♪ ♦ ♦♦♦·KANGAROO ON THE BEACH . . .·♦♦♦ ♦♦♦·THE COLOR OF SILENCE·♦♦♦ The color of silence . . . Música Destacada: ♦·Misfits·♦.♪. . . ♦·Inadaptados·♦.♪... Written by: Raymond Douglas Davies.♪... YouTube/uploader: gort992O4 Published: July 23, 2O12.♪... by... ...♦·The Kinks·♦.♪. . . ·an English rock/band·.♪... with... ...♦·Ray Davies·♦.♪. . ., on rhythm guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! recorded live! ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· The Kinks hit me right in the old heart. ·♦ Matthew Wright ♫... ♦· ...Me too!, Matthew . . . ·♦ el Beat.♪ ♫... The color of silence . . . ♦· " Muchedumbres de sol bloquean la casa y el tiempo acobardado se remansa detrás de las persianas . . . " . . . . . . . . . Jorge Luis Borges (siesta) •poesía argenta• (fragmentos) Música Destacada: ♦·Isn't it so·♦.♪. . . ♦·¿No es Así?·♦.♪. . . Written by: Stephen Stills.♪... YouTube/uploader: Darrell Rose Published: January 9, 2O14.♪... by… …♦·Stephen Stills·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! 1991.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... El color del silencio . . . ♦ The color of silence . . . Música Destacada: ♦·Ode to Billie Joe·♦.♪. . . ♦·Oda a Billie Joe!·♦.♪. . . Written by: Roberta Lee Streeter.♪..., más conocida, como... ...Bobbie Gentry.♪... YouTube/uploader: BatyaArtist Published: February 12, 2O17.♪... by... ...♦·Bobbie Gentry·♦.♪. . ., on lead vocals!!! & acoustic guitar!!! with... ...♦·Jimmie Haskell·♦.♪. . ., on string arrangement!!! from the album: ♦·Ode to Billie Joe·♦.♪... Capitol Records.♪ Produced: by Kelly Gordon.♪ Recorded: at "Whitney Recording Studio".♪..., in Glendale, California & "Capitol Recording Studio".♪..., in Hollywood, California, United States, June, 1967.♪ Recording Engineer: Joe Polito.♪ album released: August 21, 1967.♪... single released: July 1O, 1967.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· Love it!!! ·♦ Leftis Music Channel ♫... ♦· It was the third of June, another sleepy, dusty Delta day. I was out choppin' cotton, and my brother was balin' hay, And at dinner time we stopped and walked back to the house to eat, And mama hollered out the back door, y'all, remember to wipe your feet, And then she said, I got some news this mornin' from Choctaw Ridge. Today, Billy Joe MacAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge. And papa said to mama, as he passed around the blackeyed peas. Well, Billy Joe never had a lick of sense; pass the biscuits, please. There's five more acres in the lower forty I've got to plow. And mama said it was shame about Billy Joe, anyhow, Seems like nothin' ever comes to no good up on Choctaw Ridge, And now Billy Joe MacAllister's jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge. And brother said he recollected when he, and Tom, and Billie Joe Put a frog down my back at the Carroll County picture show, And wasn't I talkin' to him after church last Sunday night. I saw him at the sawmill yesterday on Choctaw Ridge, And now ya tell me Billie Joe's jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge. And mama said to me, ___"Child, what's happened to your appetite? I've been cookin' all morning, and you haven't touched a single bite". "That nice young preacher, Brother Taylor, dropped by today, Said he'd be pleased to have dinner on Sunday, oh, by the way,... ___"He said he saw a girl that looked a lot like you up on Choctaw Ridge, And she and Billy Joe was throwing somethin' off the Tallahatchie Bridge." A year has come and gone since we heard the news 'bout Billy Joe, And brother married Becky Thompson; they bought a store in Tupelo. There was a virus going 'round; papa caught it, and he died last spring, And now mama doesn't seem to want to do much of anything, And me, I spend a lot of time pickin' flowers up on Choctaw Ridge, And drop them into the muddy water off the Tallahatchie Bridge. ·♦ ♦♦♦·ODE TO BILLIE JOE·♦♦♦.♪. . . Song Written & Composed by Bobbie Gentry.♪ ♦ Recorded, Sung & Played by Bobbie Gentry.♪ in Hollywood, California, March, 1967.♪ ♦ ♫... ♦·'Bobbie Gentry'.♪. . . •·a Country singer/songwriter from Chickasaw County, in Mississippi, United States...·• ·♦ el Beat.♪ ♫... ♦· 'Bobbie Lee Gentry'.♪. . . ♦· an American singer- songwriter who was one of the first female artists to compose and produce her own material in the context of the post-war American music scene. Her songs tipically drew on her Mississippi roots to compose vignettes of the Southern United States. . . . ·♦ ♫... ♦· When Kelly Gordon -her long-time producer- fell ill with lung cancer, Bobbie Gentry took him to her grounds and cared for him until he died in 1981. . . . ·♦ ♫... ♦♦♦·THE COLOR OF SILENCE . . .·♦♦♦ The color of silence . . . Música Destacada: •Medley• : ► 1 : ♦·Mr Bojangles·♦.♪. . . ♦·Sr.Bojangles·♦.♪. . . Written by: Jerry Jeff Walker.♪... and ► 2 : ♦·A Visit with and Old Friend·♦.♪. . . ♦·Una Visita con un Viejo Amigo·♦.♪... Written by: Jim Stafford.♪... YouTube/uploader: mikeluxy Published: March 16, 2O1O.♪... by... ...♦·Jim Stafford·♦.♪. . ., on speech!!!!! from the album: ♦·Jim Stafford·♦.♪... MGM Records.♪ Produced: by Phil Gernhard.♪ & Lobo.♪ album released: in United States, 1974.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· what a great version ·♦ mikeluxy ♫... The color of silence . . . Música Destacada: ♦·He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother·♦.♪. . . ♦·Él, no es pesado, Él, es mi hermano!·♦.♪... Written: by Bob Russell.♪... & Bobby Scott.♪... YouTube/uploader: Nostalgias del ayer Published: August 24, 2O18.♪... by... ...♦·Kelly Gordon·♦.♪. . ., on beautiful lead vocals!!!!! single released: in United States, 1969.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... The color of silence . . . Música Destacada: ♦·When it Rains·♦.♪. . . ♦·Cuando llueve...·♦.♪... Written: by Tyler Stafford.♪... YouTube/uploader: Tyler Stafford.♪ Published: April 26, 2O12.♪... by... ...♦·Tyler Stafford·♦.♪. . ., on acoustic guitar!!! & beautiful voice!!!!! recorded live! at the "Pioneer Underground".♪..., in Reno, Nevada, United States, February 16, 2O12.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· I love this song. . . . ·♦ Bo See Jamesdaltonsee ♫... The color of silence . . . Música Destacada: ♦·Lady Jane·♦.♪. . . Written by: Mick Jagger.♪... & Keith Richards.♪... YouTube/uploader: ruudtes8 Published: June 4, 2O14.♪... by... ...♦·The Rolling Stones·♦.♪. . . ·a British rock&pop! quintet·.♪... with... ...♦·Mick Jagger·♦.♪. . ., on lead vocals!!!, ...♦·Keith Richards·♦.♪. . ., on acoustic guitar!!!, ...♦·Bill Wyman·♦.♪. . ., on bass!!! & ...♦·Brian Jones·♦.♪. . ., on amazing dulcimer!!!, acoustic guitar!!! & harpsichord!!! from the album: ♦·Aftermath·♦.♪... album released: in London, England, 1966.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· ...This video is elsewhere with Jagger singing live, the band syncing. . . . ·♦ ruudtes8 ♫... ♦· Brian Jones the best one ·♦ Maibeche Smail ♫... The color of silence . . . ♦♦♦·THE COLOR OF SILENCE . . .·♦♦♦ The color of silence . . . ♦· Existen también, otros colores e infinitos silencios . . . . . . . . . . . . el silencio de la soledad, Que puede llevarte hasta la locura; el del desarraigo; el del exilio; el penoso silencio de los excluidos; el color y el feliz silencio del Que se sabe incluido; el silencio 'tranki' de un trabajador; el silencio de un vago!; el silencio de un marxista; el silencio de un trotskista; el silencio de alguien Que no cree en nada ni en nadie!; el silencio marginal; el silencio de la mentira; el silencio de la verdad...; el silencio de lo ambiguo; el silencio de la noche. . .; el silencio de la siesta; el silencio del amor; y el del desamor; el color de una infinita tristeza; el silencio de un inocente; el silencio de un sicario; el silencio de un déspota; el silencio de lo material; el silencio de lo inmaterial; el silencio de lo inerte; el silencio sordo & brutal de una ciudad salvaje!; el silencio de un suicida; el silencio de un monje tibetano; el silencio de un músico; el silencio del silencio...; el silencio de un trovador; el silencio de alguien perdido...; el silencio de un juguete roto...; el silencio de los desaparecidos; el color de la agonía...; y el silencio del alma. . .; el silencio Atroz de un asesino serial; el silencio de un futbolista Que sabe Que va a morir en la noche...; el silencio de un esquimal; de un surfista; y de un montañista antes de llegar de llegar a la cumbre; cuando llegó!; y cuando bajó de la montaña más alta del mundo!; el silencio de John Lennon; el de Bertrand Russell; y el del Ché Guevara!; el silencio de un psicólogo; el silencio de un filósofo; el silencio de un negro; el silencio de los pájaros...; el silencio de los amantes; el silencio de: ♦el otro♦. . .; y el silencio de los desesperados!, entre otros tantos y tantos silencios . . . ·♦ . . . . . . . . . posdata: a veces, me pongo a pensar..., en Cómo será el silencio de una marioneta? ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . y si tiene recuerdos. . . . . . . . . . . . el Beat.♪ The color of silence . . . chau. hasta luego. el Beat.♪ ♦ ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ Música Destacada: ♦·A Whiter Shade Of Pale·♦.♪. . . Algo Así, como..., …♦·Con Su Blanca Palidez·♦.♪. . . Written by: Gary Brooker.♪...(music), Keith Reid.♪...(lyrics) & Matthew Fisher.♪...(music) YouTube/uploader: Sirketzer Published: February 1, 2O11.♪... by… …♦·Procol Harum·♦.♪. . . ·a British baroque/rock! group·.♪… ·baroque/pop·.♪... with… …♦·Gary Brooker·♦.♪-. . ., on beautiful lead vocals!!!!! & piano!!!!!, …♦·Matthew Fisher·♦.♪. . ., on amazing Hammond M-1O2 organ!!!!!, …♦·Ray Royer·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!!!!, …♦·David Knights·♦.♪. . ., on awesome bass!!!!! & …♦·Bill Eyden·♦.♪. . ., •sessión musician• on drums!!!!! from single •Deram Records.♪• Produced: by Denny Cordell.♪ recorded: at "Olympic Sound Studios".♪..., in London. Recording Engineer: Keith Grant.♪ released: in London, England, 1967.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... The color of silence . . . ♦· ♦·The infinite silence will tell you everything, everything, everything! . . .·♦ -my mother told me, and I, I was thinking ...- I guess so! ... ♦ I suppose Yes!, when I contemplate the Syrian refugee camp ...; I suppose Yes!, when I see desperate beings, rescued from the waters of the Mediterranean ...; I suppose Yes!, when I observe the battlefield in Waterloo ... (what remained), only red tulips ...; I suppose Yes!, when I look at the beaches of Normandy, that they witnessed the blood shed ...; I suppose Yes!, when I stop to contemplate and reflect on the buildings of the former School of Mechanics of the Navy (ex-Escuela de Mecánica de la Armada)..., Today, transformed into a Museum of Memory . . ., where human beings were tortured and murdered ... ... ... ... There, I stop to think ..., and I think . . . in the quiet of the parks ...; in the silence of the tailoring ...; in Tacuarí Street ...; in Plaza de Mayo ..., after the bombing of '55 ...; on the last day, in that played Jimi, Jimi Hendrix, in Woodstock, in '69 ...; on the day that Gardel died; Buenos Aires was dressed in mourning ... and the street Jean Jaures, was in darkness ... ... I think ..., in Jim Morrison, when he returned to the backstage ...; in Brian Jones, when he was discovered drowned, in his swimming pool, in England, and then John Lennon, he found out about the newspapers ... I think ..., in the color of days gone by ...; in the color of the present!, and of the days to come ... Música Destacada: ♦·Day After Day·♦.♪. . . ♦·Día tras Día!·♦.♪. . . Written by: Pete Ham.♪... YouTube/uploader: drrockmarcellus Published: April 1O, 2O17.♪... by... ...♦·Badfinger·♦.♪. . . ·a British rock&pop! band·.♪... with... ...♦·Pete Ham·♦.♪. . ., on lead guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫.... As you see, I think ... that silence will tell you everything. postscript: ...and not all birds, they sing until they DIE! ... ·♦ el Beat.♪ Música Destacada: ♦·To The Morning·♦.♪. . . ♦·¡A la Mañana!!·♦.♪. . . Written by: Dan Fogelberg.♪... YouTube/uploader: djclay33 Published: May 5, 2O12.♪... by... ...♦·Dan Fogelberg·♦.♪. . ., on piano!!! & beautiful, beautiful vocals!!! from the album: ♦·Homefree·♦.♪... album released: 1972.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... The color of silence . . . ♦ ♪ The color of silence . . . ♣ ♦♦♦·KANGAROO ON THE BEACH . . .·♦♦♦ ♦♦♦·THE COLOR OF SILENCE . . .·♦♦♦ ♫...

1 comentario:

Remo dijo...

BEATNIK caminante de bosques en los que muchos....Muchos se perderían. Habitador de bosques que recoge fragancias, palabras y sonidos que no se muestran ante un desprevenido. EL BEATNIK sabe donde se encuentran NO LOS RUMORES, sino su génesis. Entregarse a EL RUMOR DE LOS BOSQUES es aceptar, junto a él, el desafío de atravesar umbrales custodiados por fantasmas.
Por eso he compartido la invitación a recorrer ese paisaje natural de música y poesía.
Yo quiero...Y quiero más!!!