martes, 25 de mayo de 2021

Help Me Look . . .

. . . Help Me Look . . . introducción. ♦· ...Ayúdame A Mirar . . . ·♦ > > > • < < < ♦
Música Destacada: ♦·Tema de Apertura·♦.♪. . . ("Doctor Milagro"). (•Mucize Doktor•) ·Original Title· Composed: by Aytekin Atas.♪... •compositor turco• YouTube/uploader: Aytekin Atas - Tema Published: February 12, 2O2O.♪... by...
♦♦♦·AYTEKIN ATAS . . .TURKISH COMPOSER ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·HELP ME LOOK . . .·♦♦♦ ...♦·Aytekin Atas·♦.♪. . . ...•Turkish composer•.♪... ♫ ♦· ►Music from "Mucize Doktor" ... ·♦ ·a Turkish TV Series ...· (·Soundtrack·) Label : MIra Records.♪ Producer: Aytekin Atas.♪ released: 2O19.♪... ·♦ ♫... Help Me Look . . . Help Me Look . . . ♦ chau. hasta luego. el Beat.♪ ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♦ ♫...
♦♦♦·HELP ME LOOK MUCIZE DOKTOR . . .·♦♦♦ ♦♦♦·HELP ME LOOK . . .·♦♦♦ Help Me Look . . . ♦
Música Destacada: ♦·Echoes·♦.♪. . . ♦·Ecos...·♦.♪... Composed by Aytekin Atas.♪... YouTube/uploader: Aytekin Atas - Tema Published: February 12, 2O2O.♪... by... ...♦·Aytekin Atas·♦.♪. . . ...·Turkish Composer·.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· ► De "Doctor MIlagro" . . . Telenovela de orígen turco ('Mucize Doktor') •Original Title• ► Telefé - TV Argenta. (televisación argentina) Buenos Aires, Mayo, 2O21... ·♦ ♫...
♦♦♦·AYTEKIN ATAS, COMPOSITOR TURCO·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·HELP ME LOOK . . . ♫... Help Me Look . . . ♦
♦♦♦·HELP ME LOOK . . .·♦♦♦ ♪
Vídeo Destacado: ♦·That's Alright, Mama·♦.♪. . . ♦·Está todo bién! Mama·♦.♪. . . Written: by Arthur Crudup.♪... YouTube/uploader: Christian Curbelo Published: May 3O, 2O1O.♪... by... ...♦·Eric Clapton·♦.♪. . ., on acoustic guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! & ...♦·Scotty Moore·♦.♪. . ., on lead guitar!!! recorded live! ON "Rock'n Roll is Here to Stay!".♪... at Abbey Road Studios.♪..., in LOndon, England, December 3, 2OO4.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... ♦· RIP scotty and elvis ·♦ Keith Richards ♫.. ♦ ..."Homenaje al Rey del Rock´n´Roll" . . . ·♦ Christian Curbelo
♦♦♦·ERIC CLAPTON . . .·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·HELP ME LOOK . . .·♦♦♦
Vídeo Destacado: ♦·That's All Right ...·♦.♪. . . ♦·¡Está Todo Bién, Ma!·♦.♪. . . Written: by Arthur Crudup.♪... YouTube/uploader: Elvis Presley ♪ Published: October 23, 2O18.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ by... ...♦·Elvis Presley·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! with... ...♦·Scotty Moore·♦.♪. . ., on lead guitar!!! & ...♦·D.J.Fontana·♦.♪. . ., on percussion!!! plus... ...♦·Charlie Hodge·♦.♪..., on percussion!!! recorded live! at "Western Recorders".♪... & NCB Studios".♪..., (•'NBC-TV Special•) in Burbank, California, United StATES, 1968.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·ELVIS PRESLEY, '68. . ."Comeback Special"...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·HELP ME LOOK . . .·♦♦♦ ♫... ♦· How is that not the coolest thing you've ever seen? ·♦ Nyurkie Mac Nyurk Nyurks ♫... ♦· No tatoos, no earrings, no body comes close to the King !! ·♦ GW Lilly ♫... ♦· This is the way Elvis should be remembered ·♦ HollyAnn Baumann ♫... ♦· I can't get over this! More than fifty years old and it looks like it could have been filmed last night! ·♦ Jaime van Brewen ♫... ♫...
♦♦♦·HELP ME LOOK . . .·♦♦♦ Música Destacada: ♦·Holy MOther·♦.♪. . . ♦·Santa Madre·♦.♪. . . Written: by Eric Clapton.♪... YouTube/uploader: Eric Clapton ♪ Published: November 8, 2O14.♪... by... ...♦·Eric Clapton·♦.♪. . ., on lead guitar!!! & LEAD vocals!!!!! from the album: ♦·August·♦.♪... album released: in London, 1986.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·ERIC CLAPTON IN SURREY, ENGLAND . . .·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·HELP ME LOOK . . .·♦♦♦ ♫... Help Me Look . . . ♥
♦♦♦·HELP ME LOOK . . .·♦♦♦
Vídeo Destacado: ♦·Holy Mother·♦.♪. . . ♦·Santa Madre·♦.♪. . . Written: by Eric Clapton.♪... YouTube/uploader: Robert Aloisio Published: March 12, 2O21.♪... by... ...♦·Eric Clapton·♦.♪. . ., on lead guitar!!! & LEAD vocals!!! & ...♦·Luciano Pavarotti·♦.♪. . ., on lead vocals!!!, too! recorded live! ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·ERIC CLAPTON, ON GUITAR . . .·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·HELP ME LOOK . . .·♦♦♦ ♫... Help Me Look . . .
Múica Destacada: ♦·Tears in Heaven . . .·♦.♪. . . •·Lágrimas en el Cielo!·♦.♪. . . Written: by Will Jennings.♪... & Eric Clapton.♪... YouTube/uploader: El Beetle Published: November 23, 2O19.♪... by... ...♦·Eric Clapton·♦.♪. . ., on acoustic guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! recorded live! on MTV-Unplugged!.♪... at "Bray Film Studios".♪..., in Windsor, England, January 16, 1992.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·ERIC CLAPTON . . .·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·HELP ME LOOK . . .·♦♦♦ ♫... Help Me Look . . .
Música Destacada: ♦·Walking in the Rain...·♦.♪. . . ♦·Caminando bajo la lluvia·♦.♪... (•instrumental•) Written: by Aytekin Atas.♪... YouTube/uploader: Aytekin Atas - Tema Published: February 13, 2O2O.♪... by... ...♦·Aytekin Atas·♦.♪. . ., ·Turkish Composer·.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... Help`Me Look . . . ♦·...
♦♦♦·HELP ME LOOK ISTANBUL . . .·♦♦♦ ☺
♦♦♦·HELP ME LOOK ISTANBUL . . .·♦♦♦ ☻
♦♦♦·HELP ME LOOK ISTANBUL . . .·♦♦♦ Help Me Look . . . ♦
♦♦♦·HELP ME LOOK . . .·♦♦♦
Música Destacada: ♦·Mockingbird·♦.♪. . . ♦·Pájaro burlón·♦.♪... Composed: by Aytekin Atas.♪... YouTube/uploader: Aytekyn Atas - Tema Published: February 12, 2O2O.♪... by... ...♦·Aytekin Atas·♦.♪. . . ...·Turkish Composer·.♪... from: ♦·Mucize Doktor·♦ •·Turkish TV Series·♦ (•Soundtrack•).♫..... COMPOSED & PRODUCED: by Aytekin Atas.♪... Mira Records.♪ Turkey, 2O19.♪... ♫... ♫... Help Me Look . . . ♣

Ayúdame A Mirar . . .

. . . Ayúdame A Mirar . . . introducción. ♦· ...para Arriba!, y para Abajo!!!!! ·♦ el Beat.♪ y para los costados, también! ·♦ el Beat.♪ ♦
♦♦♦·AYÚDAME A MIRAR . . .·♦♦♦ Ayúdame A Mirar . . . ♦ chau. hasta luego. el Beat.♪ ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫...
♦♦♦·AYÚDAME A MIRAR . . .·♦♦♦ Ayúdame A Mirar . . . ♦
♦♦♦·AYÚDAME A MIRAR . . .·♦♦♦ ♦ ♪ ♥
♦♦♦·AYÚDAME A MIRAR . . .·♦♦♦ ☻ ☺ Ayúdame A Mirar . . . ♦
♦♦♦·AYÚDAME A MIRAR . . .·♦♦♦ ♣