sábado, 24 de julio de 2021

¡Hace Frío Afuera!!! . . .

. . . ¡Hace Frío Afuera!!! . . . introducción. ♦· ... ♦ chau. hasta luego. el Beat.♪ ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦ ♫...
♦♦♦·¡HACE FRÍO AFUERA!!! . . .·♦♦♦ ¡Hace Frío Afuera!!! . . . ♦ ♦
Música Destacada: ♦·Baby, It's Cold Outside ...·♦.♪. . . ♦·bebé, ¡Hace Frío Afuera!·♦.♪. . . Written: by Loesser.♪... YouTube/uploader: Ella Fitzgerald Publicado: June 26, 2O18.♪... by...
♦♦♦·ELLA FITZGERALD . . .·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·¡HACE FRÍO AFUERA!!! . . .·♦♦♦ ...♦·Ella Fitzgerald·♦.♪. . ., on lead vocals!!! with...
♦♦♦·ELLA FITZGERALD.♪... & LOUIS ARMSTRONG.♪. . .·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·¡HACE FRÍO AFUERA!!! . . .·♦♦♦ ...♦·Louis Armstrong·♦.♪. . ., on vocals!!!, too! ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... ¡Hace Frío Afuera!!! . . . ♦ ♪
Música Destacada: ♦·Creepin' Midnight·♦.♪. . . ♦·Medianoche Arrolladora·♦.♪... Written: by Jerry Goffin.♪... & Carole KIng.♪... YouTube/uploader: Eric VDB Publicado: February 23, 2O19.♪... by...
♦♦♦·SEATRAIN·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·¡HACE FRÍO AFUERA!!! . . .·♦♦♦ ...♦·Seatrain·♦.♪. . . ·an American rock/band··♪... from the album: ♦·Seatrain·♦.♪... Capitol Records.♪ Produced: by George Martin.♪ album released: in London, England, 1971.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... ♦· ... It really is an undiscovered gem. ... Lloyd Baskin sang this and did a great job. ·♦ Carl Gold ♫...
♦♦♦·SEATRAIN . . .·♦♦♦.♪. . . ¡HACE FRÍO AFUERA!!! . . .·♦♦♦ ♫... ♥
♦♦♦·¡HACE FRÍO AFUERA!!! . . .·♦♦♦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBxUV_EJ9Y8 Música Destacada: ♦·Smile ...·♦.♪. . . ♦·sonríe...·♦.♪... (instrumental version) Music Composed: by Charles Chaplin.♪... YouTube/uploader: mareklutonsky Publicado: June 12, 2O1O.♪... by... ...♦·Marek Lutonský·♦.♪ . . ., on amazing piano!!!!! ♫... ♦· ...is so beautiful . . . ·♦ CMARIEYViolin ♫... ♦· ...Charlie Chaplin composed it himself. the lyrics was written additionaly in twenty years.... ·♦ mareklutonsky ♫... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·MAREK LUTONSKÝ ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·¡HACE FRÍO AFUERA!!! . . .·♦♦♦ ♫... ☺ ☻ ¡Hace Frío Afuera!!! . . . ♦
♦♦♦·¡HACE FRÍO AFUERA!!! . . .·♦♦♦ ♣

It's cold outside!

. . . It's cold outside! introducción. ♦· ...Oh, Baby ..., it's cold outside! . . . ·♦ . . . . . . . . .
Música Destacada: ♦·Baby, it's cold outside·♦.♪. . . ♦·Bebé, hace frío afuera!·♦.♪... YouTube/uploader: annesofieholm Published: July 8, 2O1O.♪... by... ...♦·Ray Charles·♦.♪. . ., on piano!!! & ...♦·Betty Carter·♦.♪. . ., on lead vocals!!! ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·RAY CHARLES & BETTY CARTER ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·IT'S COLD OUTSIDE!·♦♦♦ ♫... It's cold outside!
Vídeo Destacado: ♦·Won't Get Fooled Again·♦.♥. . . ♦·No nos engañarán otra vez!·♪... Written: by Pete Townshend.♪... YouTube/uploader: TheWho ♪ Published: October 11, 2O19.♪... by... ...♦·The Who·♦.♪. . . ·an English rock band!·♪... recorded live! at "B-Stage".♪. . ., in Shepperton Studios.♪..., London, England, May 25, 1978.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·THE WHO, LIVE! AT SHEPPERTON STUDIOS, 1978...·♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·IT'S COLD OUTSIDE!·♦♦♦ ♫... It's cold outside! ♫... ♦

miércoles, 21 de julio de 2021

I'd love to be wrong . . .

. . . I'd love to be wrong . . . introducción. ♦· ...me encantaría. . . ...me gustaría estar equivocado ... ·♦ • • • ♣ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dinz4A5R_Vs Música Destacada: ♦·I'd love to be wrong·♦.♪. . . ♦·Me encantaría estar equivocada·♦.♪... YouTube/uploader: Jan Welles - Tema Published: December 1O, 2O19.♪... by... ...♦·Jan Welles·♦.♪..., on lead vocals!!! with...
♦♦♦·JOE LEAHY . . .·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·I'D LOVE TO BE WRONG . . .·♦♦♦ ...♦·Joe Leahy Orchestra·♦.♪. . . . from single Unique Records.♪ ·a division of 43 North Broadway, LCC· released: November 18, 1965.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... I'd love to be wrong . . .
Música Destacada: ♦·Birds·♦.♪. . . ♦·Pájaros·♦.♪... Written: by Neil Young.♪... YouTube/uploader: Christian Bauman Published: April 11, 2O21.♪... by... ...♦·Christian Bauman·♦.♪. . ., on acoustic guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! recorded live! at his home! April 11, 2O21.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·CHRISTIAN BAUMAN ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·I'D LOVE TO BE WRONG . . .·♦♦♦ ♫... I'd love to be wrong . . .
Música Destacada: ♦·The Ride (aka "The 2020").♪. . . ♦·El Paseo (a.k.a. el 2O2O).♪... Written: by Linda Sharar.♪... YouTube/uploader: Linda Sharar Published: November 2O, 2O2O.♪... by... ...♦·Linda Sharar·♦.♪. . ., on acoustic guitar!!! & vocals!!! & ...♦·Kelsy Hillesheim·♦.♪. . ., on lead vocals!!! recorded live! ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·LINDA SHARAR ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·I'D LOVE TO BE WRONG . . .·♦♦♦ ♫... I'd love to be wrong . . .
Música Destacada: ♦·Snow is falling·♦.♪. . . ♦·La nieve está cayendo...·♦.♪... Written: by Bob Chabot.♪... YouTube/uploader: Bob Chabot Febreuary 19, 2O21.♪... by... ...♦·Bob Chabot·♦.♪. . ., on speech!!!, acoustic guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! recorded live! At the Church in Northampton.♪ November, 2O18.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... ♦· a great song Bob!!! ...Wow... ·♦ cadwalladee ♫...
♦♦♦·BOB CHABOT, SONGWRITER ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·I'D LOVE TO BE WRONG . . .·♦♦♦ ♫... Rod MacDonald.♪ I'd love to be wrong . . . ♦· me encantaría estar de acuerdo contigo, Pero entonces, ambos estaríamos equivocados . . . • • • Así dicen... Es una de las frases más comunes... No obstante, hay mucho de verdad en ello . . . chau. hasta luego. el Beat.♪ ...desde algún rincón... ...oculto... ...en lo profundo... ...del espíritu... ...del bosque... ...donde se refugian... ...los sueños... (hasta los inconclusos) ...las fantasías... ...las ilusiones... y las almas nobles... ... .. .
Música DEstacada: ♦·I'd Love To Be Wrong·♦.♪. . . ♦·Me Encantaría Estar Errado·♦.♪... Written: by Rod MacDonald.♪... YouTube/uploader: rodmacdonald ♪ Published: March 8, 2O17.♪... by... ...♦·Rod MacDonald·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! from the album: ♦·Beginning Again·♦.♪... album released: in U.S.A., May 1, 2O18.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·ROD MACDONALD ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·I'D LOVE TO BE WRONG . . .·♦♦♦ ♫... ♦· I'd love to be wrong but here's what I see millions of people eyes glued to the TV They have no idea what's about to come down they think it's a game show with celebrity clowns It's gonna get ugly the stench will be strong but hey like I said I'd love to be wrong. I'd love to be wrong but here's what I feel the workingman thinks he's gonna get a new deal when all that'll happen is they'll enrich themselves cut some new breaks and screw everyone else you better not get sick or your money's all gone but hey like I said I'd love to be wrong. I'd love to be wrong but it looks very plain betraying one's country for one's private gain is a game those in authority should stop this very hour but they're doing nothing they just want more power. So they can finally take it all away your health, your retirement, your bright sunny day Your wilderness, your freedom to love who you please Your public school system, your kid's chance to succeed Your right to speak freely, your right to belong but hey like I said I'd love to be wrong. I'd love to be wrong, I'd love to relax, I'd love to invent my own set of facts But I think facts should be true so I can't agree that what you imagine is at all real to me. I'd love to be wrong and have everyone free Instead of having your freedom be punishing me I'm expecting more rain, and much bigger floods More corporate judges, more morons in trucks taking over the streets, and waving their guns Small countries invaded by much bigger ones The free world in crisis its leader denying he's already been paid off for those bullets flying And when it all falls apart, and they have to crack down on the weak and the helpless, will you just go along? Well I hope you don't mind my little song But hey like I said I'd love to be wrong. ·♦ ♦♦♦·I'D LOVE TO BE WRONG ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . Song Written & Composed by Rod MacDonald.♪ ♦ Recorded, Sung & Played by, Rod MacDonald.♪ in U.S.A., 2O18.♪... ♣ ♫... ♫... I'd love to be wrong . . .
Vídeo Destacado: ♦·The State That We Are In·♦.♪. . . ♦·El estado en el que nos encontramos·♦.♪... Written: by Rachel Garlin.♪... YouTube/uploader: Rachel Garlin Published: ? ? ? by... ...♦·Rachel Garlin·♦.♪. . ., on acoustic guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·RACHEL GARLIN, SONGWRITER ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·I'D LOVE TO BE WRONG . . .·♦♦♦ ♫... I'd love to be wrong . . . ♫... I'd love to be wrong . . . ♦ ♥ ♪ ☺ ☻ I'd love to wrong . . . ♦
♦♦♦·I'D LOVE TO BE WRONG . . .·♦♦♦ ♣

viernes, 16 de julio de 2021

Me encantaría estar equivocado...

. . . Me encantaría estar equivocado... introducción. ♦· ...Sí!, y lo siento. ·♦ • • • ♦ Linda Sharar .... Me encantaría estar equivocado... Bob Chabot ... Rod MacDonald ... Christian Bauman ... Rachel Garlin ...
♦ Me encantaría estar equivocado...
Vídeo Destacado: ♦·Birds·♦.♪. . . ♦·Pájaros·♦.♪... (Demo) (Official Lyric Video) Written: by Neil Young.♪... YouTube/uploader: RHINO ♪ Publicado: March 17, 2O21.♪... by... ...♦·Neil Young·♦.♪. . ., on lead vocals!!! ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·NEIL YOUNG, BIRDS ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·ME ENCANTARÍA ESTAR EQUIVOCADO...·♦♦♦ ♫... Me encantaría estar equivocado... ♦

viernes, 9 de julio de 2021

La División Azúl . . .

. . . La División Azúl . . . introducción. ♦· ...the blue divide ... ·♦
Música Destacada: ♦·Istanbul ...·♦.♪. . . ♦·¡Estambul!....·♦.♪... Written: by Frank Tedesso.♪... YouTube/uploader: anthonypepitoneVideo Publicado: May 21, 2OO8.♪... by...
♦♦♦FRANK TEDESSO ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ...♦·Frank Tedesso.♪. . ., on acoustic guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! with...
♦♦♦·MICHAEL ROSS, ON GUITAR ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ...♦·Michael Ross·♦.♪. . ., on ambient guitar!!!,
♦♦♦·CARMEN YATES, ON GUITAR ...·♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ...♦·Carmen Yates, pn guitar!!! & vocals!!! &
♦♦♦·JEFF EYRICH, ON ACOUSTIC BASS ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ...♦·Jeff Eyrich·♦.♪. . ., on bass!!! recorded live! at "The Living Room".♪..., in NY, New York City, United States, 2OO8.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... La División Azúl . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2L3QF_HsP4 Música Destacada: ♣·I Saw A Stranger With Your Hair·♣.♪. . . ♦·He visto a un extraño con tu pelo·♦.♪... Written: by John Gorka.♪... YouTube/uploader: John Gorka - Tema Publicado: January 25, 2O17.♪ by...
♦♦♦·JOHN GORKA . . .·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ...♦·John Gorka·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! with... ...♦·Vic Colucci·♦. . ., on bass!!!, ...♦·Janice Kollar·♦.♪. . ., on keyboards!!! & vocals!!!,
♦♦♦·EUGENE FRIESEN, ON CELLO . . .·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ...♦·Eugene Friesen·♦.♪. . ., on cello!!!,
♦♦♦·KENNY KOSEK, ON VIOLIN . . .·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ...♦·Kenny Kosek·♦.♪. . ., on violin!!!,
♦♦♦·SHAWN COLVIN, ON VOCALS . . .·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ...♦·Shawn Colvin·♦.♪. . ., on vocals!!! &
♦♦♦·TOMMY WEST, ON VOCALS . . .·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ...♦·Tommy West·♦.♪. . . on vocals!!! from the album: ♦·Land of the Bottom Line·♦.♪... ♦·Pure John Gorka·♦.♪... Windham Hill Records.♪... High Street/Legacy Records.♪ SONY Music Entertainment.♪ Produced: by
♦♦♦·WILLIAM KOLLAR . . .·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ Bill Kollar.♪ album released: in U.S.A., 199O.♪... (·2OO6·).♪ ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... La División Azúl . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqRHuyOQReo Música Destacada: ♦·I'll Cry Tonight·♦.♪. . . ♦·Ésta Noche, lloraré·♦.♪... Written: by Wendy Beckerman.♪... YouTube/uploader: Wendy Beckerman - Tema Publicado: November 8, 2O14.♪... by... ...♦·Wendy Beckerman·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! with... ...♦·Tom Spanardi·♦.♪. . . recorded live! at the "Postcrypt".♪..., (in the basement of St. Paul's Chapel) in Columbia University, New York, UNited States, January 1, 1992.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·WENDY BECKERMAN, ON GUITAR ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ♫... La División Azúl . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ57bPnMOWg&list=PLkINFv_08tQcVSZv2taRHtJ7I3CyPI-8E Música Destacada: ♦·I Hate You·♦.♪. . . ♦·¡Te Odio!!·♦.♪. . . Written: by Ed Alkalay.♪... YouTube/uploader: Ed Alkalay - Tema Publicado: September 26, 2O15.♪... by... ...♦·Ed Alkalay·♦.♪. . ., on lead vocals!!! ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·ED ALKALAY, ON BANJO ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . .
.·♦♦♦ Vídeo Destacado: ♦·Jody·♦.♪. . . Written: by Ed Alkalay.♪... YouTube/uploader: DarkWatersLive Publicado: April 25, 2OO8.♪... by... ...♦·Dark Waters·♦.♪. . . ·an American punk/rock! band·♦.♪... with... ...♦·Ed Alkalay·♦.♪. . ., on 12 string acoustic guitar!!! & lead vocals!!!, ...♦·Fran Gonzalez·♦.♪. . ., on electric guitar!!! & backing vocals!!!, ...♦·Glenn Foster Brown·♦.♪. . ., on electric guitar!!! & backing vocals!!!, ...♦·Marc Latzky·♦.♪. . ., on bass!!! & ...♦·Pete Difranco·♦.♪. . ., on drums!!! recorded live! at "CBGB's".♪..., in NY, New York City, 1987.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· Nice! ·♦ DeeGirlNYC ♫... La División Azúl . . .
Musica Destacada: ♦·Sunny Came Home . . .·♦.♪. . . ♦·Sunny llegó a casa...·♦.♪. . . Written: by Shawn Colvin.♪... & John Leventhal.♪... YouTube/uploader: ShawnColvinVideos Publicado: October 25, 2OO9.♪ç by... ...♦·Shawn Colvin·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·SUNNY CAME HOME, by SHAWN COLVIN ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ♫... La División Azúl . . .
Música Destacada: ♦·Dance Into the Distance·♦.♪. . . ♦·Baila en la distancia...·♦.♪... Written: by Dennis Dougherty.♪... YouTube/uploader: Dennis Dougherty Publicado: June 3O, 2O16.♪... by... ...♦·Dennis Dougherty·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! from the album: ♦·Get The Angle Right·♦.♪... Thinking Dog Records.♪... album released: in Ny, New York City, U.S.A., 2O16.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·DENNIS DOUGHERTY, ON GUITAR ...·♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ♫... La División Azúl . . . ♦
Vídeo destacado: ♦·Universal Soldier·♦.♪. . . ♦·Soldado Universal·♦.♪. . . Written: by Buffy Sainte-Marie.♪... YouTube/uploader: CBC Nusic ♪ Publicado: June 13, 2O19.♪... by...
♦♦♦·BUFFY SAINTE-MARIE ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ...♦·Buffy Sainte-Marie·♦.♪. . ., on speech!!!, acoustic guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! recorded live! at "CBC Music Festival".♪..., 2O19.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·BUFFY SAINTE-MARIE, ON GUITAR ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ♫... La División Azúl . . . ♦ La División Azúl . . . ♦ chau. hasta luego. el Beat.♪ ...desde algún rincón... ...oculto... ...en lo profundo... ...del espíritu... ...del bosque... ...♣ ...donde se refugiam... ...los sueños... (hasta los inconclusos) ...las fantasías... y las ilusiones... ... .. .
Música Destacada: ♦·Blue Divide·♦.♪. . . ♦·Divisón Azúl·♦.♪... Written: by Richard Shindell.♪... YouTube/uploader: Raimondo Giorgini Publicado: Janauary 21, 2O18.♪... by... ...♦·Richard Shindell·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫
♦♦♦·RICHARD SHINDELL, ON GUITAR ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ♫...
♦♦♦·BLUE DIVIDE ...·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ♫... La División Azúl . . . ♦ ♦ ♪ ♥ ☺ ☻ La División Azúl . . . ♦
♦♦♦·BLUE DIVIDE ...·♦♦♦ ♦♦♦·LA DIVISIÓN AZÚL . . .·♦♦♦ ♣

jueves, 8 de julio de 2021

Blue Divide . . .

. . . Blue Divide . . . introducción. ♦· ...la división azúl . . . ·♦ ♦ Blue Divide . . . ♦· ¡Cómo Quisiera Que me Atraviese la División Azúl . . ., por siempre! ·♦ . ! ! el Beat.♪ ♣
♦♦♦·BLUE DIVIDE ...·♦♦♦
♦♦♦·BLUE DIVIDE . . .·♦♦♦