domingo, 12 de noviembre de 2017

Gazing at the Moon . . .

. . . Gazing at the Moon . . . introducción. ♦· mirando a la luna. . . ·♦ Música Destacada: ♦·Bridge Over Troubled Water·♦.♪. . . ♦·Puente Sobre Aguas Turbulentas·♦.♪... de: Paul Simon.♪... YouTube/uploader: delfi garr Publicado: October 3O, 2O13.♪... por... ...♦·Paul Simon·♦.♪. . ., on acoustic guitar!!! & vocals!!! & ...♦·Art Garfunkel·♦.♪. . ., on amazing lead vocals!!!!!, ó sea..., by... ...♦·Simon & Garfunkel·♦.♪. . . ·an American folk/rock! duo·.♪... with... ...♦·Larry Knechtel·♦.♪. . ., on beautiful piano!!!!!, ...♦·Joe Osborne·♦.♪. . ., on bass!!!, ...♦·Hal Blaine·♦.♪. . ., on drums!!!(in a echo chamber), ...♦·Gary Coleman·♦.♪. . ., on vibraphone!!! & ...♦·Jimmie Haskell·♦.♪. . ., on strings arrangements!!! from the album: ♦·Bridge Over Troubled Water·♦.♪... Columbia Records.♪ Produced: by Roy Halee.♪, Paul Simon.♪ & Art Garfunkel.♪ recorded: in California, United States, November 9, 1969.♪... single released: January, 197O.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... dedicated... loving memory of... ...•·Lawrence William Knechtel·•, más conocido, como... ...♦·Larry Knechtel·♦.♪. . . a.k.a. 'Prince Valiant'.♪... ♦ Gazing at the Moon . . . ♦♦♦·GAZING AT THE MOON . . .·♦♦♦ Música Destacada: ♦·Dancing in the Moonlight·♦.♪. . . ♦·Bailando a la luz de la luna. . .·♦.♪... de: Sherman Kelly.♪... YouTube/uploader: Publicado: March 1O, 2OO7.♪... by... ...♦·King Harvest·♦.♪. . . ·an American rock/band·.♪... single: released: in Paris, France, 1972.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· 'King Harvest'.♪. . . ►·a group of four American expatriates in Paris in 197O. . . ·♦ ♫... ♦ Gazing at the Moon . . . ♣ Mirando a la Luna . . . ♦♦♦·MIRANDO... A LA LUNA . . .·♦♦♦ Música Destacada: ♦·Living in the Material World·♦.♪. . . ♦·Viviendo en el Mundo Material!·♦.♪... de: George Harrison.♪... YouTube/uploader: Harisuta Das Publicado: August 2, 2O16.♪... by... ...♦·George Harrison·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!! & vocals!!! ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... Gazing at the Moon . . . ♣ Mirando a la Luna . . . ♦· ... "it's just Wind, ... the Sacred Fire ..." ·♦ el Beat.♪ ♦♦♦·GAZING AT THE MOON . . .·♦♦♦ Música Destacada: ♦·Smells like Teen Spirit·♦.♪. . . Algo Así, como... ...♦·Huele... a espíritu adolescente!·♦.♪. . . de: Kurt Cobain.♪..., Krist Novoselic.♪... & Dave Grohl.♪... ('Nirvana.♪...'.) YouTube/uploader: RammsteinHaifisch3 (Official Video) Publicado: December 6, 2O14.♪... by... ...♦·Nirvana·♦.♪. . . ·an American rock/trio!·.♪... with... ...♦·Kurt Cobain·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!! & lead vocals!!! from the album: ♦·Nevermind·♦.♪... DGC Records.♪ Produced: by Butch Vig.♪ single released: September 1O, 1991.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... Gazing at the Moon . . . ♪ ♦♦♦·GAZING AT THE MOON . . .·♦♦♦ ♦ ♪ ♦· ...and then I gazed at my reflection in the lake . . . ·♦ ♣ ♦· ...y entonces, miré mi reflejo en el lago . . . ·♦ . . . . . . . . . Gazing at the Moon . . . ♦· Los antiguos egipcios miraban a la Luna. . . Los persas la adoraban. . . Para los fenicios era su guía en el mar... Los mayas adoraban al Rey Sol Pero contemplaban con sumo respeto a la Luna. Las liebres miraban a la luna en las noches oscuras. Los antiguos guerreros sioux danzaban a la luz de la luna... Los 'Canned Heat' tocaban en Woodstock a la luz de la luna... ... No se trata de 'mirar'. . . a la Luna..., sino + bién de 'mirar' a tu interior . . . Lo Que no está en Internet. Lo Que es inherente Al Alma Humana. . . Lo que no está en YouTube, ni en Google, ni en Yahoo... Vas a Buscarlo... y si lo encontrás, seguro Vas a Ser 'a Lucky Man!' •un Hombre Afortunado!• ·♦ posdata: hay un bosque allí afuera ocultando al árbol..., menos mal, Que a la noche, y en lo alto, aún puedo mirar a la Luna . . . el Beat.♪ Música Destacada: ♦·Islands·♦.♪. . . ♦·Islas. . .·♦.♪... de: Robert Fripp.♪...(music) & Peter Sinfield.♪ (lyrics) YouTube/uploader: Juan garcia carpio Publicado: September 3, 2o1O.♪... by... ...♦·King Crimson·♦.♪. . . ·a British rock/band·.♪... ·psychedelic/rock!·.♪... from the album: ♦·Islands·♦.♪... Island Records.♪ (UK) Produced: by King Crimson.♪ released: in London, England, December 3, 1971.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... Gazing at the Moon . . . Vídeo & Música Destacados: ♦·Downtown Train·♦.♪. . . ♦·Trenes del Centro·♦.♪... de: Tom Waits.♪... YouTube/uploader: antirecords Publicado: August 16, 2O17.♪... by... ...♦·Tom Waits·♦.♪. . ., on guitar & vocals!!!!! with... ...♦·G.E. Smith·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!!, ...♦·Chris Spedding·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!!, ...♦·Robert Quine·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!!, ...♦·Tony Levin·♦.♪. . ., on bass!!!, ...♦·Mickey Curry·♦.♪. . ., on drums!!!, ...♦·Robby Kilgore·♦.♪. . ., on organ!!! & ...♦·Michael Blair·♦.♪. . ., on percussion!!! from the album: ♦·Rain Dogs·♦.♪... Island Records.♪ Produced: by Tom Waits.♪ album released: September 3O, 1985.♪... single released: November, 1985 (UK) December, 1985 (US) ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· ...The promo video for the song was directed by Jean-Baptiste Mondino and features the boxer: " JaKe LaMotta ". . . . ·♦ ♫... ♦· ...y menos mal, Que ahí afuera, en la oscuridad de la noche, y en lo alto, hay una luna amarilla iluminando... ·♦ ... ... ... el Beat.♪ ♫... Gazing at the Moon . . . ♦ chau. hasta luego. el Beat.♪ ...desde algún rincón... ...oculto... ...en lo profundo... ...del espíritu... ...del bosque... ...♣ ...donde se refugian... ...los sueños... (hasta los inconclusos) ...las fantasías... y las ilusiones... ... .. . Música Destacada: ♦·Lucky Man·♦.♪. . . ♦·Hombre Afortunado·♦.♪. . . de: Greg Lake.♪... YouTube/uploader: EMERSONLAKEVEVO Publicado: January 17, 2O14.♪... by... ...♦·Greg Lake·♦.♪. . ., on acoustic guitar!!! & beautiful vocals!!! recorded live! on "California Jam".♪..., in Ontario, California, United States, April 6, 1974.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· ...No hay que olvidar que la letra no deja de ser EL MUNDO VISTO A TRAVÉS DE LOS OJOS DE UN CHICO de 12 años. . . ·♦ hombrealadoo ♫... ♦· ...y mientras la cinta de grabación está RODANDO, el grupo comienza a improvisar sobre éste formato acústico. . . ·♦ hombrealadoo ♫... ♦· Él tenia caballos blancos, y damas, a montones, todas vestidas en satén, y esperándolo en la puerta... ¡Qué Hombre Afortunado Que era! ¡Uhhh!, ¡Qué Hombre Afortunado Que era! De encaje blanco y plumas hicieron su cama. Un colchón cubierto de oro en el Que se acostaba... Qué hombre afortunado que era! ¡Uhhh!, ¡Qué hombre afortunado que era!!! Se fué a luchar guerras por su país y su rey; por su honor y su gloria! La gente cantaba... ¡Oh!, ¡Qué Hombre Afortunado Que era! ¡Uhhh!, ¡Qué Hombre Afortunado Que era! Una bala lo encontró. Su sangre corría mientras gritaba! El dinero no pudo salvarlo. Se recostó y murió... ·♦ ... ... ... ♦♦♦·(¡QUÉ)HOMBRE AFORTUNADO!·♦♦♦.♪. . . Escrito por Greg Lake.♪ ♦♦♦·GREG LAKE·♦♦♦.♪. . . •·A LUCKY MAN·•.♪. . . ♫... Mirando a la Luna . . . ♣ Gazing at the Moon . . . ♦· ...Cuenta la Historia..., Que una de las canciones más conocidas de ♦♦♦·Emerson, Lake & Palmer·♦♦♦.♪. . . ('ELP') casi no llega a salir a la luz. Sucedió Que, el último día, mientras grababan su 1er. álbum, la banda no tenía material suficiente para cumplir con las condiciones del contrato discográfico, de tener 21 minutos de audio por cada lado del disco. No hay nada peor Que presionar a un músico ó a un artista para que cree 'Algo' a las apuradas (La creación depende de algo más elevado, las personas le llaman : "inspiración", yo le llamo "decodificación", porque las canciones (arte en general) ya están escritas. Vagan en el Universo. . ., en una forma de código "invisible" e "incodificable" para el común de la gente; sucede Que, algunos seres dotados de una sensibilidad especial, son capaces al igual Que una antena de radio, de captar esas 'ondas', a través de su humanidad, decodificarlas, y re- transmitirlas, para así permitir Que el resto de los mortales pueda tener noticias de ellas.) Entonces, ya sín tiempo, y con el reloj, sín detener su marcha, Greg Lake comienza a tocar ésta "balada". . . Que escribió cuando tenía 12 años. . . ·♦ hombrealadoo ♦ ♫... ♦· ...dejó de ser un simple mortal para pasar a ser un Dios. Ahora, debe estar tocando junto a el gran Keith Emerson. ·♦ Capitán Orate ♫... ♦· Greg le dió el "toque mágico" a ELP . . . ·♦ oscar1958del7O ♫... ♦· The best voice of Crimson ·♦ Anayeli Ghalanda Garcia ♫... ♦· Claro, es genial Que exista esa gente especial, son los artistas, esos que nos hacen ver el mundo y nuestra propia existencia de una forma Que nadie más puede. ·♦ hombrealadoo ♫... Música Destacada: ♦·(What a)Lucky Man·♦.♪. . . ♦·(¡Qué)Hombre Afortunado!·♦.♪... de: Greg Lake.♪... YouTube/uploader: CaptainJimKirk Publicado: January 28, 2OO8.♪... por... ...♦·Keith Emerson·♦.♪. . ., on piano!!! & Moog synthesizer!!!!!, ...♦·Greg Lake·♦.♪. . ., on acoustic guitar!!!, lead guitar!!!, lead vocals!!!, bass!!!, percussion!!! & harmony vocals!!! & ...♦·Carl Palmer·♦.♪. . ., on drums!!! & percussion!!!, ó sea..., by... ...♦·Emerson, Lake & Palmer·♦.♪. . . ·an English psychedelic/rock! trio·.♪... ·progressive/rock!·.♪... from the album: ♦·Emerson, Lake & Palmer·♦.♪... Island Records.♪ (UK) Cotillion Records.♪ (US) (Atlantic Records subsidiary) Produced: by Greg Lake.♪ recorded: at "Advision Studios".♪..., in London, England, July-September, 197O.♪... album released: November 2O, 197O.♪...(UK) January 1, 1971.♪...(US) single released: in London, England, 197O.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· He had white horses And ladies by the score All dressed in satin And waiting by the door. Ooh, what a lucky man he was. Ooh, what a lucky man he was. White lace and feathers They made up his bed. A gold covered mattress On which he was led. Ooh, what a lucky man he was! Ooh, what a lucky man he was! He went to fight wars For his country and his king! Of his honour and his glory!!! The people would sing . . . Ooh!, what a lucky man he was!! Ooh!, what a lucky man he was!!! A bullet had found him. His blood ran as he cried! No Money! could save him. So... he laid down and he died. Ooh, what a lucky man he was! Ooh, what a lucky man he was . . . ·♦ . . . . . . . . . ♦♦♦·(WHAT A)LUCKY MAN!·♦.♪. . . Written by Greg Lake.♪ ♣ ♫... ♦ Mirando a la Luna . . . ♣ Gazing at the Moon . . . ♦· ...los grillos le cantan a la Luna... los conejos miran a la Luna, y mi gato negro mira a la Luna. . . ·♦ . . . . . . . . . ♣ ♦· ...the crickets sing to the moon ... the rabbits look at the moon and my black cat looks at the moon . . . ·♦ . . . . . . . . . el Beat.♪ ♦♦♦·GAZING AT THE MOON . . .·♦♦♦ ♣

jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2017

Sacred Fire . . .

. . . Sacred Fire . . . introducción. ♦· ...bring out the old 'sacred fire' . . . ·♦ . . . Vídeo & Música Destacados: ♦·Look At You Look At Me·♦.♪. . . (Part 1) ♦·¡Te Miro, Me Miras!·♦.♪. . . (Parte Uno) de: Dave Mason.♪... & Jim Capaldi.♪... YouTube/uploader: Wally Hustin Publicado: April 7, 2O1O.♪... by... ...♦·Dave Mason Band·♦.♪. . . ·an English/American rock/band!·.♪... with... ...♦·Dave Mason·♦.♪. . ., on lead guitar!!!!!!!!!! & lead vocals!!!!! & ...♦·Wally Hustin·♦.♪. . ., on electric bass!!!!! recorded live! at the "Nagoya Bottom Line".♪..., in Nagoya, Japan, May 19, 199O.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... Sacred Fire . . . ♦ El Fuego Sagrado. . . Vídeo & Música Destacados: ♦·Look At You Look At Me·♦.♪. . . (Part 2) ♦·¡Te Miro, Me Miras!·♦.♪. . . (Parte Dos) de: Dave Mason.♪... & Jim Capaldi.♪... YouTube/uploader: wally Hustin Publicado: April 7, 2O1O.♪... by... ...♦·Dave Mason Band·♦.♪. . . ·an English/American rock/band!·.♪... with... ...♦·Dave Mason·♦.♪. . ., on lead guitar!!!!!!!!!! & lead vocals!!!!! & ...♦·Wally Hustin·♦.♪. . ., on electric bass!!! recorded live! at the "Nagoya Bottom Line".♪..., in Nagoya, Japan, May 19, 199O.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦♦♦·DAVE MASON·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦•Live! at The Bottom Line, in Nagoya, Japan, 199O.♪. . .•♦ ♦· ...with Dave Mason guitar solo! which he kills, classic Dave! ·♦ Wally Hustin.♪ ♫... El Fuego Sagrado! . . . ♦ Sacred Fire . . . ♦· ...and because sooner or later everything that goes up must come down, I pick up your garbage.... almost in front of your house..., and I throw my badly wounded pride ... into a dirty sewer ... You, will you raise my dreams? ... ... Before the rust reaches me ... I will raise your fallen pieces ... while you, you will throw my love through the window ..., into the void . . . . . . What remains of the road ... it's just, Wind ... the rumor of the Sacred Fire . . . the Sacred Fire ·♦ . . . el Beat.♪ ♦ ♦♦♦·SACRED FIRE . . .·♦♦♦ dedicated: •in loving memory of... Jimi Hendrix.♪... Jim Capaldi.♪... Noel Redding.♪... Mitch Mitchell.♪... Chris Wood.♪... Kwaku Baah 'Reebop'.♪... & Rick 'Ric' Grech.♪... ·♦ el Beat.♪ Vídeo & Música Destacados: ♦·John Barleycorn (Must Die)·♦.♪. . . ♦·John Barleycorn (Debe Morir)·♦.♪... •traditional• •is an Old/British Folk/Song•.♪... *Arranged by: Steve Winwood.♪... YouTube/uploader: dac1OO12 Publicado: January 8, 2OO9.♪... by... ...♦·Traffic·♦.♪. . . ·an English folk/rock! trio·.♪... with... ...♦·Steve Winwood·♦.♪. . ., on acoustic guitar!!! & lead vocals!!!, ...♦·Jim Capaldi·♦.♪. . ., on tambourine!!! & vocals!!! & ...♦·Chris Wood·♦.♪. . ., on flute!!! recorded live! at "Santa Monica Civic Auditorium".♪..., in Santa Monica, California, United States, February 21, 1972.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· ...tan sólo..., una 'gema'. . . del Fuego Sagrado... ·♦ el Beat.♪ ♫... Sacred Fire . . . Vídeo & Música Destacados: ♦·All Along the Watchtower·♦.♪. . . ♦·A Todo lo Largo de la Torre del Vigía·♦.♪... de: Robert Allen Zimmerman.♪... más conocido, como... ...♦·Bob Dylan·♦.♪. . . YouTube/uploader: daniel jimenez Publicado: August 11, 2O1O.♪... por... ♦♦♦·DAVE MASON·♦♦♦.♪. . . & ♦♦♦·JIMI HENDRIX·♦♦♦.♪. . . •·ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER·♦.♪. . ., 1968.♪. . . ...♦·Dave Mason·♦.♪. . ., on lead guitar!!! & lead vocals!!!, ♦· " Tiene Que haber Alguna forma de salir de Aquí! " -dijo el bromista al ladrón- " Hay demasiada confusión, y no puedo encontrar alivio. Los hombres de negocios..., se beben mi vino!, y los labradores cavan mi tierra, y ninguno de ellos, A lo largo de la línea, SABE lo Que Algo de ello, Vale! " " No hay razón para excitarse! " -el ladrón, dijo, amablemente...- " Hay muchos Aquí, entre nosotros, Que sienten Que la vida no es más Que una broma. Pero vos y yo, ya hemos pasado por eso!, y ése no es nuestro destino. Así Que, no hablemos FALSAMENTE, Ahora! Se está haciendo tarde! " A todo lo largo de la torre del vigía, Príncipes mantienen la vista!, mientras todas las mujeres van y vienen, y sirvientas descalzas, también! Afuera, en la fría distancia. . ., un gato montés gruñía. Dos jinetes se aproximaban... y el Viento..., comenzó a Aullar!!!!! ·♦ !!! !!! !!! ♦♦♦·A TODO LO LARGO DE LA TORRE DEL VIGÍA·♦♦♦.♪... Escrito por Bob Dylan.♪ ♣ Sacred Fire . . . ...♦·Gerald Johnson·♦.♪. . ., ♦♦♦GERALD JOHNSON·♦♦♦.♪. . . •·ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER·•.♪. . . on bass!!!, ♦· All Along the Watchtower ·♦ : ► a song written and recorded by American singer-songwriter Bob Dylan. The song initially appeared on his 1967 album John Wesley Harding, and it has been included on most of Dylan's susequent greatest hits compilations. Since the late 197Os, he has performed it in concert more than any of his other songs. Different versions appear on four of Dylan's live albums. Covered by numerous artists in various genres "All Along the Watchtower" is strongly identified with the interpretation 'Jimi Hendrix' recorded for 'Electric Ladyland'(album) with the amazing ♦♦♦·JIMI HENDRIX EXPERIENCE·♦♦♦.♪. . . The Hendrix version, released six months after Dylan's original recording, became a Top 2O single in 1968 and was ranked 47th in "Rolling Stone" magazine's ♦•5OO Greatest Songs of All Time•♦... · ♦♦♦·JOHNNE SAMBATARO·♦♦♦.♪. . . •·ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER·•.♪. . . ...♦·Johnne Sambataro·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!!, ♦· ...'The Jimi Hendrix Experience' began to record their version of Dylan's "All Along the Watchtower" in January 21, 1968, at Olympic Studios in London. According to engineer Andy Johns, Jimi Hendrix had been given a tape of Dylan's recording by publicist Michael Goldstein, who worked for Dylan's manager Albert Grossman. "(Hendrix) came in with these Dylan tapes and we all heard them for the first time in the studio", recalled Johns. According to Hendrix's regular engineer Eddie Kramer, the guitarist cut a large number of takes on the first day, shouting chord changes at Dave Mason who had appeared at the session and played guitar. Half way through the session, bass player 'Noel Redding' became dissatisfied with the proceedings and left, Mason then took over on bass. According to Kramer, the final bass part was played by Hendrix himself. Hendrix's friend and "Rolling Stones" multi-instrumentalist 'Brian Jones' played the various percussion instruments on the track. "That's him playing the 'thwack' you hear at the end of each bar in the intro, on an instrument called a 'vibraslap'. Brian Jones originally recorded a piano part that was later MIXED OUT in place of the percussion instruments. . . . ·♦ ♦· Dave Mason covered "All Along the Watchtower".♪. . . Mason also played on Jimi Hendrix's widely known version, playing the 12-string acoustic guitar on the track. . . .·♦ ♦♦♦·ANTHONY 'TONY' TAPLER·♦♦♦.♪. . . •·ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER·♦♦♦.♪. . .·• ...♦·Anthony 'Tony' Patler·♦.♪. . ., on Hammond B3 organ!!! ♦· ...Hendrix had been working on and off with the members of the band ♫♫♫Traffic♫♫♫ as he recorded ♦♦♦'Electric Ladyland'♦♦♦.♪.... Traffic guitarist Dave Mason caught Hendrix at a party and the two discussed Bob Dylan's newest album, 'John Wesley Harding', containing " All Along the Watchtower. " Hendrix, long fascinated with Dylan, decided to cover the song on the album. On the resulting track, Mason plays rhythm on a 12-string acoustic guitar. In our 'interview with Mason', he explained : "Hendrix just happened to be sitting in one of those semi-private clubs in London. He was there one night just sitting alone, and it was like, "F--k, I'm just going to go over and say hi and talk to him." Mason recorded the song himself in the Hendrix arrangement for his 1974 self-titled album. He also mades the song a mainstay of his concerts. Mason says it's a deceptively simple song: "It's just the same three chords, and they never change." . . . ·♦ Songfacts ♦ & ...♦·Alvino Bennett·♦.♪. . ., ♦♦♦·ALVINO BENNETT·♦♦♦.♪. . . •·ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER·•.♪. . . on drums!!!, ♦· ...Hendrix: "All those people who don't like Bob Dylan's songs should read his lyrics. They are filled with the joys and sadness of life. I am as Dylan, none of us can sing normally. Sometimes, I play Dylan's songs and they are so much like me that it seems to me that I wrote them. I have the feeling that Watchtower is a song I could have come up with, but I'm sure I would never have finished it. Thinking about Dylan, I often consider that I'd never be able to write the words he manages to come up with, but I'd like him to help me, because I have loads of songs I can't finish. I just lay a few words on the paper, and I just can't go forward. But now things are getting better, I'm a bit more self confident.". . . ·♦ ... ► ...In a 2OO8 poll conducted by a panel of experts in the 'Total Guitar' magazine, this was voted the best cover song of all time. The Beatles' rendition of 'Twist and Shout'.♪. . ., first recorded by the Top Notes, came second; followed by : the 'Guns N' Roses' version of the Wings song Live and Let Die' in third place. . . . Songfacts ♣ ♦♦♦·ALL ALONG the WATCHTOWER·♦♦♦.♪. . . ♦♦♦·A TODO LO LARGO DE LA TORRE DEL VIGÍA·♦♦♦..♪... ♣ ó sea..., by... ...the ♦·Dave Mason Band·♦.♪. . . ♦· "There must be some way out of here" Said the joker to the thief "There's too much confusion I can't get no relief Businessmen, they drink my wine Plowmen dig my earth None of them along the line Know what any of it is worth". "No reason to get excited" The thief, he kindly spoke "There are many here among us Who feel that life is but a joke But you and I, we've been through that And this is not our fate So let us not talk falsely now. The hour is getting late" All along the watchtower Princes kept the view While all the women came and went. Barefoot servants too. Outside in the distance A wildcat did growl. Two riders were approaching, The wind began to howl. . . ·♦ . . . . . . . . . ♦♦♦·ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER·♦♦♦.♪. . . Written by Bob Dylan.♪ ♣ with... ♦♦♦·JOEY DELGADO·♦♦♦.♪. . . •·ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER·♦.♪. . . ...♦·*Joey Delgado·♦.♪. . ., on lead guitar!!!!!, too! recorded live! at "Mammoth blues&brews Festival".♪..., in Mammoth, California, United States, August 8, 2O1O.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· (*) : 'Joey Delgado'.♪. . . from ♦·The Delgado Brothers·♦.♪. . . ·♦ ♦· I've misinterpreted the actual words to this song more than any other song in my entire life so I've (3O years later) bothered to find out what the words actually were. (It would be amusing, and only slightly embarrasing to start a sub topic on what we've THOUGHT actual lyrics were... such as "and I was getting laid..." (what I heard for..) "The hour is getting late." (It's easier to fit interpret when you can choose your own words) Still, the whole mood ot the song, the chords, sound like desperation, being trapped. (that minor chord is perfect). . . The Watchtower, in the age of the Vietnam War, was a metaphor to looking out for yourself, being guarded. Everyone is JUST looking for themselves. Life is a battle to avoid getting hurt. So everyone is guarded about .. everything, their feelings, their opinions, their passions. "There must be some kind of way out of here..." (well, of course, you all say) "Said the joker to the thief". Two ways to deal with life, don't take it seriously, or take what you need, just be materialistic (it works for Americans.) "Businessman they drink my wine" Record executives sell my songs, but they don't get it.. (Dylan's message) "Plowman dig my earth" or "come and take my herb" (Even the farmer.... come understand...'dig it'-in 6O's slang Or... come change your attitude... and... this funny cigarette will help. ;-) "None will level in the line, probably offered his word." Nobody is frank, honest or open, no one communicates frankly about things that matter. "No reason to get excited," There is no joy in life. People are too bussy being guarded and worrying about "attack" (on their feelings) "The thief, he kindly spoke." The thief takes his comfort in material things, a metaphor for the soulless materialism. "There are many here among us" "Who feel that life is but a joke" Hence... the joker is the first stanza. "But you and I, we've been through that. We (his lover or friend) have actually talked, shared, been honest. "And this is not our fate." We needn't live a soulless existence. "So let us not talk falsely now, The hour is getting late" Again, imploring for honesty.. for candor... for being oneself Time is running out, we don't live forever. "All Along the Watchtower" "Princes keept the view" An allusion to medieval existence, people in castles, guarded, walled off... "While all the women came and went" People allow themselves transient but superficial sexual releases (brief felt) but joyless (they came and went). "Barefoot servants, too" (no immediate comment on this line, it makes sense, but I have no easy words for it) "Outside in the cold distance" "A wildcat did growl" The wildcat refers to raw energy the life force inside of us... eager for release. "Two riders were approaching" ? Referring back to the thief & joker? Or better... any two people... needing to share with each other. "And the wind began to howl" The winds of change. ·♦ Scott - Roseville - CA California, United States. ► COMMENTS... Songfacts ♫... ♦· Bueno, para mí, éste comentario, es excelente -un lujo!- diría tal vez Dylan, ó quizás, no diría nada. Porque Bob, es bastante *agreta* como persona y como músico, arriba de un escenario, y ésto, lo pude palpar con mis propios ojos. Pero, volvamos al extenso comentario de Scott, de Roseville, en California. Es claro, lúcido y bien contundente. Sín medias tintas. Sin tibiezas de su parte, y se lo agradezco realmente! Sín tapujos de ninguna especie, y sin esconder absolutamente : nada. Va desmenuzando, frase por frase, y sesudamente el significado ó el sentido Que el autor le quiso dar a la lírica... ¡Bien por Scott!!! -y su mirada introspectiva sobre ésta tan apreciada y legendaria canción: "All Along the Watchtower".♪- ·♦ el Beat.♪ ♫... ♦· Thank you Bob (from Roseville) by your piercing gaze . . . ·♦ el Beat.♪ ♫... ♦· Dave Mason still plays this live and it takes me back to 1968. ·♦ Frank Great Falls, VA ♫... ♦♦♦·DAVE MASON·♦♦♦.♪. . . & ♦♦♦·JIMI HENDRIX·♦♦♦.♪. . . •·A TODO LO LARGO DE LA TORRE DEL VIGÍA·♦♦♦.♪. . ., 1968.♪... ♫... Sacred Fire . . . ♦ chau. hasta luego. el Beat.♪ Música Destacada: ♦·♣Old Photographs·♦.♪. . . ♦·Fotografías Antíguas·♦.♪... (Brazilian Original Title: ♦·Casinha Branca·♦.♪. . . (En Castellano: ♦·Casita Blanca·♦.♪. . .) de: Gilson.♪..., Joran.♪... & Marcelo.♪... & Nicola James Capaldi.♪..., más conocido, como... ...'Jim Capaldi'.♪... (♥English/Version) YouTube/uploader: CTeatrera Publicado: April 2, 2O13.♪... by... ♦♦♦·JIM CAPALDI·♦♦♦ •·Old Photographs . . .·•.♪. . . ...♦·Jim Capaldi·♦.♪. . ., on lead vocals!!! & percussion!!! with... ...♦·Claudette de Azevedo·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!!, ...♦·Jose Alexandre Malheiros·♦.. . ., on bass!!!, ...♦·Ivan Miguel Conti Maranhao·♦.♪. . ., on drums!!!, ...♦·José Roberto Bertrami·♦.♪. . ., on keyboards!!!, ...♦·Steve Winwood·♦.♪. . ., on synthesizer!!!, ...♦·Mel Collins·♦.♪. . ., on saxophone!!! & ...♦·Moises Davi Einhorn·♦.♪. . ., on cor anglais!!! from the album: ♦·Let The Thunder Cry·♦.♪... Carrere Records.♪ (Brazil) released: in London, England, 1981.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· (♣) : Dedicated to the memory of 'Black Elk' of the Oglala Sioux and the children of the Brazilian Favellas ·♦ ♦· (♥): Por supuesto, Que en la versión de 'Jim Capaldi'.♪. . . la canción adquiere otra connotación. . . ·♦ más especial... ·♦ el Beat.♪ ♦ ♦♦♦·BLACK ELK·♦♦♦ (♦♦♦·ALCE NEGRO·♦♦♦) ...•a holy man• . . . ► ♦·Black Elk·♦ (♦·Alce Negro·♦) : "Hesaka Sapa" •en lengua sioux• fué un famoso 'Wichasha Wakan' ('Medicine Man' u 'Hombre Santo' ó 'Hombre Sabio') de los indios Sioux Oglala de la América del Norte (Estados Unidos). Había nacido en diciembre del año 1863, cerca de Little Powder River,en Wyoming; a los doce años de edad, participó en la batalla de "Little Big Horn" de 1876, y fué herido en la 'masacre de Wounded Knee', en 189O. Fué el Medicine Man, Haokah y Jefe de su Tribu. Fallecería en "Pine Ridge Indian Reservation", Estados Unidos, el 19 de Agosto del año 195O. ·♦ ♦· ...Peace comes within the souls of men when they realize their 'oneness' with the Universe, when they realize it is really everywhere, it is within each one of us. . . ·♦ •Black Elk• (♦·Alce Negro·♦) ♣ ♦· ...Everything an Indian does is in a 'circle', and that is because the power of the world always works in circles.. . .·♦ •Black Elk• ♣ Sacred Fire . . . ♫... 'Black Elk' shall always be remembered for his mysticism, healing powers and vision. He was visited in 193O on the reservation, by poet John G. Neihardt who 'translated' Black Elk's memoirs and in 1932 published them into a book called "Black Elk Speaks" ("Black Elk Habla!). . . ♫... Sacred Fire . . . ♦ ♦ ♪ Sacred Fire . . . ♦·'s just, Wind ... the Sacred Fire ... ·♦ ... Vídeo & Música Destacados: ♦·The Sound Of Silence·♦.♪. . . ♦·Los Sonidos... del Silencio. . .·♦.♪. . . Written by... ...♦·Paul Simon·♦.♪. . . (•instrumental version•) YouTube/uploader: Bir varmis Bir yokmus Publicado: June 2, 2O12.♪... by... ♦♦♦·PAT METHENY·♦♦♦.♪. . . *•on his Pikasso 42-string guitar . . .•♦.♪. . . ...♦·Pat Metheny·♦.♪. . ., on guitar!!! from the album: ♦·What's It All About·♦.♪... Nonesuch Records.♪ Produced: by Pat Metheny.♪ released: in United States, June 14, 2O11.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· 'Patrick Bruce Metheny'.♪. . . •·from... Missouri, United States. . .• el Beat.♪ ♫... Sacred Fire . . . ♣

lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2017

El Fuego Sagrado. . .

. . . El Fuego Sagrado. . . introducción. ♦· ...sacar a relucir el Fuego Sagrado. . . ·♦ . . . . . . . . . el Fuego Sagrado. . . Música Destacada: ♦·The Weight·♦.♪. . . ♦·¡La Carga!!!·♦.♪... de: Jaime Royal Robertson.♪..., más conocido, como... 'Robbie' Robertson.♪... YouTube/uploader: chasefukuoka61 Publicado: May 3O, 2O1O.♪... by... ...♦·Grateful Dead·♦.♪. . . ·an American rock/band!·.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· ► Tribute to Dennis Hopper with Levon Helm & The Band's "The Weight" covered by the Grateful Dead, w/movie scenes from Easy Ryder.... ·♦ chasefukuoka61 ♫... El Fuego Sagrado. . . ♦· ...y porque tarde o temprano todo lo Que sube debe bajar, yo recojo tus basuras casi enfrente de tu casa, y arrojo mi malherido orgullo en una sucia alcantarilla. vos, ¿levantarás mis sueños? . . . Antes de Que me alcance la herrumbre, yo levantaré tus pedazos caídos, mientras vos lanzarás mi amor por la ventana. hacia el vacío... ...lo Que Queda del camino... es tan sólo, viento... el rumor del fuego sagrado... El Fuego Sagrado. . . ·♦ el Beat.♪ Vídeo & Música Destacados: ♦·Dear Mr Fantasy·♦.♪. . . ♦·Querido Señor Fantasía·♦.♪... de: Steve Winwood.♪..., Jim Capaldi.♪... & Chris Wood.♪... YouTube/uploader: Gustavo Orozco Publicado: October 3, 2OO9.♪... by... ...♦·Traffic·♦.♪. . . ·an English rock/band·.♪... with... ...♦·Jerry García·♦.♪. . ., on lead guitar!!!!! recorded live! in the United States, 1994.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· " us a tune, something to make us all happy..." ·♦ Dear Mr. Fantasy.♪ Sung by Steve Winwood.♪ ♫... The Sacred Fire !!! ♥ El Fuego Sagrado. . . dedicated : " in loving memory of Levon Helm.♪ Dennis Hopper, Richard Manuel, Jerry García.♪, Rick Danko.♪, Luis Alberto Spinetta.♪, Ric Grech.♪, Dan Fogelberg.♪, Mike Porcaro.♪, Jeff Porcaro.♪, Jack Bruce.♪, Jimi Hendrix.♪, Jim Capaldi.♪, Noel Redding.♪, Mitch Mitchell.♪, Reebop.♪, Carl Radle.♪, Chris Wood.♪ & Jim Krueger.♪ ♥ Música Destacada: ♦·Rhythm Of The Rain·♦.♪. . . ♦·Ritmo de la lluvia·♦.♪. . . de: John Claude Gummoe.♪... YouTube/uploader: DanFogelbergVEVO Publicado: October 25, 2OO9.♪... by... ...♦·Dan Fogelberg·♦.♪. . ., on piano!!! & lead vocals!!! ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... El Fuego Sagrado. . . Música Destacada: ♦·Georgy Porgy·♦.♪. . . de: David Paich.♪... YouTube/uploader: Donald Becker Publicado: November 13, 2O14.♪... by... ...♦·Mike Porcaro·♦.♪. . ., on beautiful bass!!! with... ...♦·Alex Ligertwood·♦.♪. . ., on lead vocals!!! recorded live! from the álbum: ♦·Brotherly Love·♦.♪... released: in the United States, August 2, 2O11.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... El Fuego Sagrado. . . Música Destacada: ♦·The Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys·♦.♪. . . Algo Así, como... ♦·La lenta chispa de los muchachos...·♦.♪... de: Steve Winwood.♪... & Jim Capaldi.♪... YouTube/uploader: fusionO7mp4 Publicado: December 27, 2O1O.♪... by... ...♦·Traffic·♦.♪. . . ·a British/American rock/band·.♪... with... ...♦·Chris Wood·♦.♪. . ., on electric sax!!!, ...♦·David Hood·♦.♪. . ., on bass!!!, ...♦·Roger Hawkins·♦.♪. . ., on drums!!!, ...♦·Kwaku Baah·♦.♪. . ., a.k.a. 'Reebop'.♪... on congas!!!, ...♦·Jim Capaldi·♦.♪. . ., on tambourine!!! & percussion!!! & ...♦·Steve Winwood·♦.♪. . ., on piano!!! & lead vocals!!! recorded live! at the "Santa Monica Civic Auditorium".♪..., in Santa Monica, California, United States, 1972.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... The Sacred Fire !!! ♦ El Fuego Sagrado. . . Música Destacada: ♦·Sea of Joy·♦.♪. . . ♦·El Mar de la Alegría·♦.♪... de: Steve Winwood.♪... YouTube/uploader: Bob East Publicado: April 9, 2O14.♪... by... ...♦·Blind Faith·♦.♪. . . ·a British hard/rock band·.♪... with... ...♦·Steve Winwood·♦.♪. . ., on Hammond organ!!! & lead vocals!!!, ...♦·Eric Clapton·♦.♪. . ., on acoustic & electric guitars!!!, ...♦·Rick Grech·♦.♪. . ., on bass!!! & beautiful violin!!!!! & ...♦·Ginger Baker·♦.♪. . ., on drums!!! & percussion!!! from the album: ♦·Blind Faith·♦.♪... Polydor Records.♪ (UK) Atco Records.♪ (US) Produced: by Jimmy Miller.♪ recorded: at "Morgan Studios".♪... & "Olympic Studios".♪..., in London, England, 2O February, 24 June, 1969.♪... released: in London, England, August, 1969.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... El Fuego Sagrado. . . ♦ The Sacred Fire !!! Música Destacada: ♦·Layla·♦.♪. . . Written: by Jim Gordon.♪... & Eric Clapton.♪... YouTube/uploader: 8Osclassicrocksongs Publicado: Setember 3O, 2O11.♪... by... ...♦·Derek & the Dominos·♦.♪. . . ·an American/British hard/rock band·.♪... with... ...♦·Eric Clapton·♦.♪. . ., on lead guitar!!! & vocals!!!, ...♦·Carl Radle·♦.♪. . ., on bass!!!, ...♦·Bobby Withlock·♪.♪. . ., on piano!!!, ...♦·Duane Allman·♦.♪. . ., on lead guitar!!!, too! & ...♦·Jim Gordon·♦.♪. . ., on drums!!! from the album: ♦·Layla & other assorted love songs·♦.♪... Atco Records.♪ released: in Los Angeles, California, United States,+ 197O.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... El Fuego Sagrado. . . Música Destacada: ♦·Seguir Viviendo Sín Tu Amor·♦.♪. . . de: Luis Alberto Spinetta.♪... YouTube/uploader: Fabri Amarillo Publicado: March 1O, 2O13.♪... by... ...♦·Luis Alberto Spinetta·♦.♪. . ., ·un rocker Argento!·.♪. . . on guitar!!!, bass!!!, sequencer!!!, (electronic/drums), sampler!!! & vocals!!! from the album: ♣·Pelusón of milk·♣.♪... EMI Records.♪ •Grabado en los "Estudios Cintacalma".♪..., entre junio y septiembre, 1991. Editado: en Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1991.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... ♦· ..."Está más ligado a mi vida que era "esperándola a Vera", porque eso es : "Pelusón of milk". Esos temas fueron hechos en mi casa, con el embarazo de la mamá ("Patricia"), esperando a la beba.... Muchos temas de Pelusón of milk están hechos de mí para mí. Es el intento de armar un enorme patio interior." . . . ·♦ Luis Alberto Spinetta.♪ ♫... ♦· Y el Sol ese día no brilló, pero nunca vamos a dejar de vivir sin tu gran amor, la música. Descansá Flaco, te lo ganaste. Siempre te vamos a extrañar, y yo al menos voy a pelear para que no mueras en el olvido. ·♦ Titomatico Random ♫... ♦· ...Spinetta se lamentaba de no haber grabado el disco en un formato más moderno, "mejor que el viejo y noble Fostex": " está hecho con herramientas precarias adaptadas, exprimiéndolas como si fueran las verdaderas. Si ese mismo disco se grabara hoy en estas consolas sonaría increíblemente mejor. Pero me tenía que adaptar a los tiempos que corrían porque no tenía un mango.". . . ·♦ Luis Alberto Spinetta.♪ ♫... ♦· queda más que viento. . . Musicalmente se destaca la bella melodía de la canción, el sentido 'riff' del tema, -ejecutado por Spinetta-, la breve pero emotiva segunda voz que hace consigo mismo y el abrupto final. Spinetta aclaró expresamente en 2OO2 que el tema trata de la relación con quien era su esposa y fue la madre de sus cuatro hijos: "Mi vida con Betty (Beatríz Patricia Salazar) fue una vida de encontrarla y perderla. Nosotros estuvimos mal muchas veces. Yo he venido a vivir muchas veces al estudio de grabación, hemos llegado a separarnos durante tres o cuatro meses... y estas canciones son las que representan la vuelta, el regreso después de esos quilombos. "Hoy que enloquecido vuelvo buscando tu querer, no queda más que el viento". Es una canción de amor para el ser que yo amaba en ese momento. Y además aparecen ahí algunas breves referencias en contra de dejarse 'invadir'(sonríe): no me escribas la pared.". . . ·♦ Luis Alberto Spinetta, 2OO2 ♫... ♦· ...'Seguir Viviendo Sin Tu Amor'.♪. . . Para el Flaco, buena parte de los noventa fue de reclusión y hermetismo. Sin embargo, su primer trabajo de la década le había permitido volver a la consideración masiva. En especial gracias a este hit delicado y delicioso, que le cantaba al amor con simpleza y poesía. . . . ·♦ Roque Casciero ♫... ♦· Como se te extraña loco ! No vería la razón de seguir viviendo sin tu voz... ·♦ Julian Acuña ♫... El Fuego Sagrado. . . Música Destacada: ♦·Can You Follow?·♦.♪. . . Algo Así, Al Argento, como... ...♦·Vos, ¿podés seguir?. . .·♦.♪. . . Written by...Pete Brown.♫...(lyrics) & Jack Bruce.♪...(music) YouTube/uploader: yescure6 Publicado: August 4, 2O11.♪... by... ...♦·Jack Bruce·♦.♪. . ., ·a Scottish rock&jazz! musician·.♪... on piano!!! & vocals!!! from the album: ♦·Harmony Row·♦.♪... Polydor Records.♪ (UK) Atco Records.♪ (US) Produced: by Jack Bruce.♪ released: in London, England, 1971.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♦· 'Pete Brown'.♪. . . ► •·poeta·• & 'Jack Bruce'.♪. . . ► •·músico·• : Alquimia perfecta, ó sea, ♦♦♦·EL FUEGO SAGRADO. . .·♦♦♦ ·♦ el Beat.♪ ♫... El Fuego Sagrado. . . chau. hasta luego. el Beat.♪ ...desde algún rincón... ...oculto... Música Destacada: ♦·All Along The Watchtower·♦.♪. . . ♦·A Todo Lo Largo De La Torre del Vigía·♦.♪. . . de: Robert Allen Zimmerman.♪, más conocido, como... ...♦·Bob Dylan·♦.♪... Pero, en la versión más popular y trascendente!, Que grabara James Marshall Hendrix.♪, más conocido, como... ...♦·Jimi Hendrix·♦.♪..., cuando integraba el power/trio de rock psicodélico: ♦·The Jimi Hendrix Experience·♦.♪. . . YouTube/uploader: spaceodyssee2OOO Publicado: February 2O, 2O17.♪... by... ...♦·Dave Mason·♦.♪. . ., on lead guitar!!!, speech!!! & vocals!!! & ...his band.♪!!! recorded live! in Paris, France, 2O17.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... El Fuego Sagrado. . . Música Destacada: ♦·Little Wing·♦.♪. . . ♦·Pequeña Ala·♦.♪. . . de: Jimi Hendrix.♪... YouTube/uploader: Marco Benassi Publicado: June 1O, 2OO9.♪... by... ...♦·Steve Lukather·♦.♪. . ., on speech!!!, lead guitar!!!!! & vocals!!!!! recorded live! in Paris, (Bercy) France, October, 199O.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... El Fuego Sagrado. . . ♥ The Sacred Fire !!! ♦♦♦·THE SACRED FIRE·♦♦♦ Vídeo & Música Destacados: ♦·World in Changes·♦.♪. . . ♦·Mundo en cambios·♦.♪. . . de: Dave Mason.♪... YouTube/uploader: Wally Hustin Publicado: March 31, 2O1O.♪... by... ...♦·Dave Mason Band·♦.♪. . . with... ...♦·Dave Mason·♦.♪. . ., on 12 string acoustic guitar!!! & vocals!!!!! & ...♦·Wally Hustin·♦.♪. . ., on bass!!! recorded live! at "Bottom Line".♪..., in Nagoya, Japan, December 4, 1989.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... El Fuego Sagrado. . . Música Destacada: ♦·It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)·♦.♪. . . ♦·Está bien, Má! (Solo Estoy Sangrando...).♪... de: Bob Dylan.♪... YouTube/uploader: GBD Publicado: May 24, 2O14.♪... by... ...♦·Jim McGuinn·♦.♪. . . a.k.a. ...♦·Roger McGuinn·♦.♪. . ., on acoustic guitar!!!, & lead vocals!!!!! with... ...♦·Gene Parsons·♦.♪. . ., on Amazing harmónica!!! from the film: ♦·Easy Rider·♦.♪... (soundtrack álbum) released: in United States, 1969.♪... ♫♫♫ ♫♫ ♫ ♫... El Fuego Sagrado. . . ♦ ♪ ♦♦♦·EL FUEGO PERPETUO·♦♦♦ ♣